Category Archives: mobile games

Dead Secret Nominated for Best VR Game

Dead Secret is a finalist in the IMG Awards for Best VR Game! We’re super excited to be in the running!  Please vote for Dead Secret!

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Performance Optimization for Mobile Devices

This week at the Robot Invader compound we’ve been putting the finishing touches on our new Nanobots game, Dungeon Slots.  This game started out as another week-long experiment and has stretched into a month-long development cycle because we like the concept … Continue reading

Posted in Android, game engineering, mobile games | 3 Comments

Android TV and the Video Game Middle Ground

We shipped Wind-up Knight 2 for Android TV last week.  If you were at Google IO, maybe you saw our logo flash up there for a moment.  If you actually have an Android TV, Wind-up Knight 2 is one of a … Continue reading

Posted in Android, controllers, game industry, mobile games, wind-up knight | 4 Comments

Learning about Free-to-Play from Devil May Cry

The first 20 minutes of Devil May Cry are really clever.  What happens is this: you breeze through several rooms, chopping evil marionettes left and right and flicking that silver hair around like you own the world.  After the second or third … Continue reading

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Playing Wind-up Knight 2 with a Guitar (and why it matters)

Yesterday we posted this silly video about playing Wind-up Knight 2 with a variety of funny controllers. Nothing in this video is faked; we used a converter box (like this one) to convert our various console controllers to USB, then … Continue reading

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Wind-up Knight 2

We’ve been pretty quiet lately.  It’s been almost a year since our last game, Rise of the Blobs, and other than a few blog posts here and there (and an award or two) we’ve kept a pretty low profile.  But … Continue reading

Posted in Android, iOS, mobile games, Uncategorized, wind-up knight | 5 Comments

Free-to-Play is A-OK

Let’s talk about free-to-play games. I mean, really talk about them.  Pick them apart. Analyze them.  Maybe even learn a few things. Because sometimes I feel like talking to game developers about the topic of free-to-play games is like talking … Continue reading

Posted in game industry, mobile games | 6 Comments

Rise of the Blobs

Robot Invader is staffed exclusively by veterans of the console game industry.  Our team of five has shipped over 50 console games between us, and we worked together on many of those titles earlier in our careers.  When we developed Wind-up … Continue reading

Posted in Android, iOS, mobile games, rise of the blobs, Robot Invader | 8 Comments

The Future of App Stores (and the history of video)

I grew up watching movies.  Mostly on video tapes, which came in hard plastic cases from a place called Flicks & Pics a few blocks from my house.  Flicks & Pics was something of an institution in my neighborhood; it … Continue reading

Posted in Android, iOS, mobile games | 7 Comments

OS Native UI in Wind-up Knight

A while ago I posted the following tweet to my twitter account: Fun fact: #windupknight on Android includes 7575 lines of Java. iOS version has 7005 lines of Objective-C. Both have 12000 lines of C#. This generated a lot of responses, mostly … Continue reading

Posted in Android, game engineering, iOS, mobile games, wind-up knight | 11 Comments