Category Archives: Robot Invader

Dead Secret Nominated for Best VR Game

Dead Secret is a finalist in the IMG Awards for Best VR Game! We’re super excited to be in the running!  Please vote for Dead Secret!

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Rise of the Blobs

Robot Invader is staffed exclusively by veterans of the console game industry.  Our team of five has shipped over 50 console games between us, and we worked together on many of those titles earlier in our careers.  When we developed Wind-up … Continue reading

Posted in Android, iOS, mobile games, rise of the blobs, Robot Invader | 8 Comments

Personality Goes a Long Way

Robot Invader is housed in a small office in Mountain View, California.  The office is located in one of the many featureless business parks that pepper the Peninsula like the aftermath of a boring meteor storm, a rectangular wedge of … Continue reading

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Mobile Platform, Console Experience

What separates the mobile gaming experience from the console gaming experience?  I don’t mean obvious differences, like the size of the screen or the control interface, though those are important.  I’m also not talking about the on-the-go nature of many … Continue reading

Posted in Robot Invader | 3 Comments