Category Archives: Uncategorized

Dead Secret at GDC

Hey! We’re going to the Game Developers Conference in March and we’ll be talking about Dead Secret.  The topic is designing for mobile VR, and the work we went through to convert Dead Secret from a tablet game to virtual … Continue reading

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Android TV and the Video Game Middle Ground

We shipped Wind-up Knight 2 for Android TV last week.  If you were at Google IO, maybe you saw our logo flash up there for a moment.  If you actually have an Android TV, Wind-up Knight 2 is one of a … Continue reading

Posted in Android, controllers, game industry, mobile games, wind-up knight | 4 Comments

Nanobots: Making Games in a Week

When Casey and I founded Robot Invader back in 2011, one of our goals was to build a team that could produce high quality games in a short amount of time with just a few people.  We produced Wind-up Knight with … Continue reading

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Wind-up Knight 2

We’ve been pretty quiet lately.  It’s been almost a year since our last game, Rise of the Blobs, and other than a few blog posts here and there (and an award or two) we’ve kept a pretty low profile.  But … Continue reading

Posted in Android, iOS, mobile games, Uncategorized, wind-up knight | 5 Comments

Free-to-Play is A-OK

Let’s talk about free-to-play games. I mean, really talk about them.  Pick them apart. Analyze them.  Maybe even learn a few things. Because sometimes I feel like talking to game developers about the topic of free-to-play games is like talking … Continue reading

Posted in game industry, mobile games | 6 Comments

Playing the Story

Last week David Jaffe, the outspoken designer of tons of games including God of War and Twisted Metal, gave a speech at DICE about how games and stories are incompatible.  The coverage of the talk makes it seem pretty cut and … Continue reading

Posted in game design, game industry | 8 Comments

Pay by Numbers

Why tear out my heart for all the world to see? Why not paint by numbers Catchy melody Burn it up the charts with sweet simplicity Then do it again — Self, Paint by Numbers If you ask experts in … Continue reading

Posted in game design, game industry, mobile games, Uncategorized, wind-up knight | 83 Comments

The Other White Meat

We’ve been quiet lately.  We’ll make some noise soon. Baw-baaaawk!!

Posted in Uncategorized | 23 Comments

Play WIND-UP KNIGHT at Tokyo Game Show!

We know you’ve been biting your nails with anticipation for Wind-up Knight, so much so that you’ve started to eat into the fleshy bits at the tips of your fingers.  Fortunately, we have a way for you to avoid all-out … Continue reading

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Personality Goes a Long Way

Robot Invader is housed in a small office in Mountain View, California.  The office is located in one of the many featureless business parks that pepper the Peninsula like the aftermath of a boring meteor storm, a rectangular wedge of … Continue reading

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